Legislation would help state make better use of its data By Mary McCleary There is nothing more frustrating than trying to perform an analysis and not… Legislation would help state make better use of its data
Ohio Jobs Recovery When will Ohio’s jobs economy fully recover? Ohio’s private sector employment peaked in March 2000 with… Ohio Jobs Recovery
Ohio’s Labor Force Participation Rate – Pictures of Decline Ohio’s labor force data is a sign that Ohio’s economy is still struggling. Ohio’s working age… Ohio’s Labor Force Participation Rate – Pictures of Decline
Ohio Worker Freedom Report Our redesigned monthly worker freedom report gives Ohioans more relevant information regarding how our economy is… Ohio Worker Freedom Report
Liberty Letter: President Barack Obama needs to respect the Constitution In remarks posted on The White House website, on January 14, 2014, President Barack Obama stated:… Liberty Letter: President Barack Obama needs to respect the Constitution
Ohio’s Labor Force Participation Rate – Pictures of Decline … Ohio’s Labor Force Participation Rate – Pictures of Decline
Obamacare Cancellations Create Major Holiday Headaches for Insurance Companies and Former Policy Holders By Mary McCleary The Obamacare disaster continues as many Americans are finding notices in their mailboxes… Obamacare Cancellations Create Major Holiday Headaches for Insurance Companies and Former Policy Holders
Airport Data Indicates Ohio’s Economy Won’t be Flying Anytime Soon By Caroline Carpenter and Mary McCleary There are several indicators we frequently use to measure the… Airport Data Indicates Ohio’s Economy Won’t be Flying Anytime Soon
Ohio’s Labor Force Participation Rate – Pictures of Decline … Ohio’s Labor Force Participation Rate – Pictures of Decline
Ohio Worker Freedom Report https://www.opportunityohio.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/OPPOHIO-worker-freedom-201311.pdf… Ohio Worker Freedom Report
Obamacare Exchange Brings High Healthcare Costs to Ohio By Mary McCleary If you plan to purchase health insurance through the Obamacare exchange, expect to… Obamacare Exchange Brings High Healthcare Costs to Ohio