Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Just Wrong About a National Divorce See O2 President Matt Mayer’s latest: “Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Just Wrong About a National Divorce:… Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Just Wrong About a National Divorce
Ohio Spending and Revenues See our monthly report on Ohio’s spending habits and key sources of revenues to fund government.… Ohio Spending and Revenues
China’s Balloon: Simple Spying or “Black Swan” Precursor? See O2 President Matt Mayer’s latest piece “China’s Balloon: Simple Spying or ‘Black Swan’ Precursor?“… China’s Balloon: Simple Spying or “Black Swan” Precursor?
Ohio Monthly Layoffs Check out the latest data on employee layoffs in Ohio with detailed charts showing longitudinal trends.… Ohio Monthly Layoffs
Ohio’s Runaway Medicaid Program See our monthly one-pager detailing costs and enrollment growth in Ohio’s Medicaid program.… Ohio’s Runaway Medicaid Program
Wuhan Virus Economic Impact Dashboard Check out O2’s latest Ohio Wuhan Virus Economic Impact Dashboard that presents the impact of the… Wuhan Virus Economic Impact Dashboard
Ohio Worker Freedom Report Since 1990, the number of private sector jobs in Ohio has grown by just 15.2 percent.… Ohio Worker Freedom Report
Right-to-Work States Dominate Economic Recovery Check out the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on how the states did… Right-to-Work States Dominate Economic Recovery
Ohio Jobs Recovery With the massive impact of the Wuhan virus, Ohio’s recovery has been pushed back extensively before… Ohio Jobs Recovery
Ohio Spending and Revenues See our monthly report on Ohio’s spending habits and key sources of revenues to fund government.… Ohio Spending and Revenues
Ohio’s Relentlessly Bad Jobs Economy See latest visuals on Ohio’s jobs economy since 2000 focused on how its various Metropolitan Statistical… Ohio’s Relentlessly Bad Jobs Economy
Interview on the Bruce Hooley Show re Ohio Ethics Reform to Close “Husted” Loophole, Ohio’s Statewide Jobs Deficit & US Senate Thoughts Listen to O2 President Matt Mayer on the Bruce Hooley Show discussing Ohio ethics reform to… Interview on the Bruce Hooley Show re Ohio Ethics Reform to Close “Husted” Loophole, Ohio’s Statewide Jobs Deficit & US Senate Thoughts